Run Ocean Isle Beach 2020

    Prices Increase In 1 Day

    Run Ocean Isle Beach 2020

    1603 days
    Until Race Day

    Oct. 24 2020

    Register Now

    Important!  RunOIB 2020 has been cancelled and we’re now only accepting virtual registrations.  Click Here for our announcement.

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    As you come over the bridge onto the island of Ocean Isle Beach, NC we will have volunteers directing you to the best place to park. Port-a-johns are located near the start/finish line (East 2nd Street).  Be sure to bring your pre-race hydration of choice and show up a little early – we recommend about 5:30 or 6:00am however packet pickup and checkin opens at 5:30am.

    Start Time

    The half marathon starts at 7:00am sharp so don’t be late.  The 5K starts at 7:15 (same place as the half marathon (on East 2nd Street). You want to make sure to give yourself plenty of time to get over the bridge and parked before the start of either race as one lane of the bridge will be shut down and traffic slow!

    During Race

    Saftey is our #1 priority.  While we work with local authorities and DOT to shut down as many roads as possible, a portion of the course is open to vehicles so it’s important to be aware.  We discourage headphones and no dogs are allowed per USATF sanctioning.  Follow our directional signs, volunteers and law enforcement – they know the course and where you need to be running.  Use every water stop to stay hydrated on the course and have fun, we’ll see you at the finish line!

    Post Race

    Hang around a while.  We’ll have the DJ playing your favorite tunes, post race food, beer and games – plus awards for top overall and age groups (every 5 years) for both the 5K and Half Marathon.  Bring a chair if you’d like, signs to cheer on others and enjoy the after party with us!

    Important Reminders

    No ID = No Beer
    Arrive early – you don’t want to miss your start
    Bring your bib and pre-race hydration


    These are the certified routes used for the 2019 event.  There may be slight adjustments per town request or for other logistical reasons, however, the course will always be 100% on the road and be certified.  For a downloadable PDF, click here

    We will host a packet pickup on Friday October 23rd from 2pm – 7pm at Brick Landing Plantation located at 1882 Goose Creek Road SW, Ocean Isle Beach, NC 29469.

    Click Here for directions

    We will have limited time for packet pickup the morning before the race between 5:30 – 6:45am on October 24th Saturday morning so we strongly urge you to pick up on Friday if at all possible.


    Need directions to the Start/Finish Line – Click Here

    Directions to parking?  Use the directions above and as soon as you come over the bridge, we will have directional volunteers to help you with this.


    There are many great amenities on and around the island. I would recommend contacting the local chamber of commerce.

    There are a couple of great hotels on the island that we’d recommend:  The Islander Inn and The Ocean Isle Inn – both are within walking distance to the start line.


    Military, Students & Teachers – Yes!

    Are you a member of a race club or group – contact us for club discounts.

    Use our contact form please – click here


    There is ample parking around the start/finish line on the island of Ocean Isle Beach – click here for directions. You will be able to park in grass areas or on the side of the road (just be sure you are parallel to the road and all 4 tires are off the road).

    Strollers & Handicap Accessible

    Due to USATF sanctioning and insurance, jogging strollers are not allowed on course. We are a handicap accessible course, however, we do not have any special divisions awards for this.

    Register Offline

    We really prefer for you to register online if at all possible – it’s quick and easy with the link at the top of the page.  If you need special accommodations to register offline or show anonymously, please use our contact form.

    Can I walk

    Yes! Our 1 Mile and 5K races have no time limit and our half marathon time limit is 3.5 hours (16 min miles) – plenty of time to walk most of the course if you’d like.

    Age Restrictions

    We have no age restrictions however we do ask for parent or guardian signatures on all minors under 18 years of age.

    Course Support

    The half marathon will have 8 different water stops along the 13.1 mile course. All stops have water and an electrolyte drink. There are 2 water stops along the 5K course.

    We will have a truck monitoring the route with water and acting as a “SAG” wagon.

    Volunteers from several local non-profit organizations are assisting on the course for directions, as well as at the finish line and all of the water stops.

    Signage is marked on the ground, over 100 directional signs, and a biker will lead both courses.  You’re going to LOVE running a Coastal Race Productions event!

    Registration Policy

    In an effort to be more runner friendly we have changed our registration policies and you are able to manage them yourself!  Please visit our General FAQ’s page for answer’s to all of your questions regarding our registration and refund policies for all Coastal Race Events.

    General FAQ’S

    Visit our General FAQ’s page for answer’s to all of your questions regarding Coastal Race Events.


    Ok runners, time to get your butt in gear and conquer this course.  It has a steep grade climb right at the beginning then again at mile 4 then you’re flat the rest of the run.  Take it easy getting loose and don’t hurt yourself on the bridge.  Stride it out as you get back onto the island with the flat run and be sure to use all of the waterstops.  Be as encouraging to other runners as you pass them coming back East on the island.  And we’ll be at the finish line congratulating you with others.

    Looking for a training plan, a group run at the coast or someone to help tailor a coaching program for you and be your accountability partner in your journey?  Jump on over to RunCRP to learn more!



    Volunteers are loved by all!  We would be thrilled to have you join our race day team.  Waterstops, cheer stations, handing out our HUGE medals, amoung many other things.  We rely on some key non-profits that we partner with locally but we could always use some extra support.  If you’re interested in volunteering with us, please use our volunteer page here to contact us.


    You can donate durring registration or you can do so here – it’s very much appreciated by our amazing friends and volunteers at the local Turtle Patrol.


    Run Ocean Isle Beach Results

    If you are looking for the Run Ocean Isle Beach Half Marathon & 5K results, please click here.

    Click Here For RunOIB Results