Today is the day we typically declare our goals and set out with a new resolve to be better than we have been in the past.  To run further or faster, to read more or to procrastinate less, to budget better, eat healthier, to be a better version of who we were yesterday or over the past year.  Some people shy away from New Year’s Resolutions all together, maybe because they don’t buy into the one date can change anything mentality or maybe its that they just don’t want to set themselves up to fail yet again.  Others will set very moderate or reasonable goals that they feel they will be able to accomplish without much problem and at least they will end up successful,  Then you have those that will jump straight off the cliff and go for the big guns!  They will set a goal so high or so big that even their loved ones, the very people who would go to bat for them over anything or anyone, even doubt they will see it through. Go big or go home is clearly their mind set.

What type of a goal setter are you?  Throughout my life I’ve been all over the place when it comes to New Years Resolutions and setting goals.  There have been many years that i’ve been the moderate goal setter – stretching myself slightly but definitely not too thin.  There have also been many years that I was just way to fragile to set any goals at all knowing I couldn’t take one more disappointment.   

During a recent coaching session I was asked to define my goals.  A few immediate or short term goals, something I could check off quickly and enjoy the sense of accomplishment. I also would need a couple of long term goals to help hold my focus and then I was also asked about my “dream” goal.  What? A dream goal – me?  I’ve rarely allowed myself to dream in life and now I was being asked to not only dream but set a goal around it?  It took some thought – it took a lot of thought, but I did come up with my list and it has renewed my focus and not just in running but in many different areas of my life.  

My running partner Julie (many of you know her as the awesome photographer at all of the races) – we have decided to Go Big or Go Home (or die trying)!  Either way I’m sure it will be a year of many adventures, laughter and miles!  We are running 2,019 miles during the year 2019 and to jump start our year we will be up well before dawn on New Years Day to put in 20.19 miles our mantra…  To run the year before it runs us!  We all know what they say is true, a goal without a plan is just a wish.  We’ve spent some time  making a plan for when the miles get long and hard and life just happens!  There will be days we have to modify the plan.  There will be days we just won’t want to stick with it.  There will be days we can’t run.  But there will be many many many days we will!  We’re very excited about this journey and hope you’ll join us occasionally by either following our Blog here at RunCRP or joining us for some actual miles! 

What are your goals for the New Year?  Whether it is to accomplish your first 5K, set a PR or run 3000 miles this coming year – your goal is just as important as mine and I want to hear about it!  I recently received an email signed Run Who You Are… It served as a great reminder to me that I’m in charge of me.  And yes, You are in charge of You!  No excuses, no blaming anyone else, no one is going to do it for you or for me!  If you or I want to accomplish something, anything –  we need to unashamedly charge full speed ahead and go after it! I hope you’ll join me…  2019 –  Here I come!  JoJo