Walking and/or Running: Celebrate Your Progress Recognize Milestones Along the Way…

There is power in progress and celebrating milestones, the small steps along the way, is a crucial part of staying motivated and encouraged to continue striving for our goals. Milestones help us track our progress and gives us the momentum we need to keep going. So let’s dig deeper and learn more about it…

When we set out to achieve a goal, whether it’s to begin a new walking or running program, to complete a 5K or train for a full marathon, we often focus on that end result, what it will be like when we’ve arrived. But it’s very important to consider the journey or process of how we’re going to get there. It is during this time, we acknowledge the progress we are making and this encourages us to keep pushing forward, especially as it gets harder.

When working towards a goal it is easy to get bogged down by obstacles, setbacks and failures . Things might not always go according to plan, but celebrating small milestones along the way will help us shift our focus on the successes and the wins we have achieved. It will boost our confidence and dedication as we press towards our goal. By taking the time to identify and celebrate our milestones, we can tap into the power of progress to achieve even more in the future.

You’ll want to have a clear idea of specific achievements or stepping stones that you want to acknowledge as part of your journey toward a bigger goal and it’s important to identify those early on. Start by taking a step back and consider your larger goal, what are the steps you need to take to get there? Have you set a goal to walk a 5K? If so, what are the steps you need to implement to achieve that? A new pair of athletic shoes, walk three times a week, complete your first 1 mile distance. These are all small doable steps to get you to your goal. 

Once you have your list of milestones be sure to track your progress towards each one. Creating a checklist, marking it off on a calendar as you accomplish each one or journaling will keep your progress front and center, allowing you to capitalize on the momentum you’re creating.

Celebration matters! After achieving a milestone, it is very important to celebrate your progress in a way that is meaningful to you. One way is to treat yourself to something you’ve been wanting. It could be a favorite dessert, dinner out or a spa treatment. You could opt to share your success with family or friends and host a small gathering. Start a new tradition and with every milestone you complete allow yourself an evening of total rest and relaxation. Write in your journal and acknowledge how far you’ve come. It doesn’t have to be expensive or extravagant but you do need to celebrate your effort and hard work so you can harness the power of progress to motivate you towards your goal.

After your celebration, don’t stop there, keep the momentum going. Momentum is a powerful force when it comes to staying on track. Don’t let yourself slow down too much after achieving a milestone. Instead, keep up the same level of energy and determination that got you there in the first place. Progress is a continuous lifelong journey and every milestone is just another step towards something even greater! Let’s keep moving forward together!