It’s no secret that I love running and am often asked why? That’s an easy answer for me but I was recently asked by someone how I keep the JOY of running alive and that I had to think about.

We all know that any form of exercise causes the body to release dopamine, the “happiness hormone” and that alone is going to improve our mindset. But finding true happiness in every mile? Well, it takes time and practice!

First and foremost it is important to remember your why. Why did you want to start walking/running in the first place and if you’ve been running for a long time it is possible that your why  has changed and you may need to re-evaluate it from time to time. I did not start running until later in life after receiving a cancer diagnosis at age 40 and so my health and life are my WHY. 

Another way to protect your joy in regards to running is to take a look at your systems rather than your goals. This has been a hard one for me because I am a very goal oriented person. But no matter how much I or anyone loves running there will be periods of struggle with days, weeks or months of just not feeling it. Knowing that ups and downs are normal has helped me immensely but if we are only focusing on a big goal it can make the day to day seem more like a grind. Putting  effective systems in place leads to goal achievement and sets yourself up for success. So take the thinking out of it by creating a schedule, check the weather and lay your clothes out the night before. One of my favorite quotes by James Clear is; “You do not rise to the level of your goals, you fall to the level of your systems.”

Don’t get stuck in a rut – change it up! From speed, hills, location and duration there are many ways to implement different workouts into your week. Switching it up will increase your overall  excitement rather than doing the same workout day after day. 

Runners love to measure their performance by their devices such as distance and time, once in while though consider leaving your watch or phone at home. Another great way to finding happiness on the road is to connect with nature and appreciate the beauty of where you are rather than worrying about how you are preforming.  

I can’t say enough about logging your workouts because what we measure we manage. There is something powerful about seeing your workouts stack up and being able to compare your progress over time. Even better, start a gratitude journal and include your daily milage and how your felt. It won’t take long to notice how your attitude changes about getting to go for a run rather than thinking you have to. A gratitude journal is a game changer!

Finding a community of other runners is another way to help you enjoy running. Most runners are very welcoming and are not worried about speed or distance. If you’ve been considering joining a group, we’d love to have you! Visit for meet up locations and times. We have created a very welcoming space where you’ll be reminded that running or walking is not about your pace. It’s about enjoyment and your own reasons for being out there. 

I’m not going to lie, there are days when running is really hard and it takes everything you’ve got to push out the door and finish. Those days make you stronger. There are days when running feels like magic and it’s effortless and life-giving. Those days keep us inspired. Then there are many many days that are in-between the two and it is right there in the middle, in the consistency and process of the journey, where the JOY of running truly lives.  Keep it consistent and keep moving forward!