What They Are

Simply put, a mantra is a word or phrase that you repeat in your mind while you are walking or running. Usually, that word or phrase is something you find encouraging and motivating, and typically holds some sort of deeper meaning for you.

Why They Work

Research shows that positive thinking can rewire the brain, changing the way you feel about things. Walking and Running is as much mental as it is physical and your mind can and will impact your performance as an athlete. What you say to yourself durning a workout, and how you say it, really matters.

Negative thoughts and self-talk can be a major obstacle to overcome and this is where a mantra can be particularly helpful. Additionally, having a mantra can help you cultivate a sense of mindfulness and presence in the moment. Negative thoughts and self-talk while walking and running would include comparing, complaining and criticizing yourself. If you wouldn’t say it to a friend, then don’t say it to yourself. Selecting a positive mantra and repeating it, helps to keep you focused on the present, rather than noticing how heavy your legs feel, or that you’re tired or hurting and before you know it, another mile has passed!

Running mantras are a form of positive self-talk with incredible power. Studies have shown that self-talk heavily influences our thoughts, feelings and behaviors. With a running mantra, you essentially become your own coach by giving yourself the validation and affirmation you need to get through your run. By repeating a positive mantra, you are focusing your mind on a constructive and encouraging message, rather than allowing negative thoughts and self-doubt to take over. This can help you feel more confident, motivated, and resilient, even when you are pushing yourself to your limits physically or mentally.

Go One More… I was recently out west participating in a half marathon that started at around 6200 ft of elevation and it only went up from there. It was hard and about half way through I really began to struggle. I decided to implement an interval of 2 minute run and a 30 second walk. I noticed as I stopped for the walk breaks a young man would pass me. He wore a hat flipped around backward that read, Go One More. I began repeating that to myself every time my watch would beep that it was time to run again. Go One More. That mantra got me through the race and I finished with a pretty strong mindset and much better time than I would have imagined at the half way point.

It matters what we say to ourselves. The next time your out for a walk or run pay attention and if you start to compare, complain or criticize yourself flip the script. If you begin to think how hard it feels, flip it to I can do hard things! If you are beating yourself up regarding your performance change it to, I am steady, strong and continue to improve. Some of my personal favorite mantras include, Stronger every mile; Run the mile your in; I can do hard things; Running is easy and I love it! I encourage you all to flip the script and watch your mindset and your energy drastically change. 

WARNING: This process is powerful for cultivating trust and confidence in yourself and moving you closer to your goals.

Keep Moving Forward