Run who you are…

Run who you are…

Today is the day we typically declare our goals and set out with a new resolve to be better than we have been in the past.  To run further or faster, to read more or to procrastinate less, to budget better, eat healthier, to be a better version of who we were...
Run Holden Beach Status Updates

Run Holden Beach Status Updates

UPDATE:  9/10/18  (3:10pm) We regret to inform you that Run Holden Beach 2018 has been cancelled.  With preparation for the storm in coastal North Carolina, the town is going to wait until after the storm has passed to evaluate damage and decide if we can have a...
The Most Runner Friendly Events!

The Most Runner Friendly Events!

We are a team of runners striving to put on the absolute most runner friendly events around. We wanted to take a minute to share with you some of these amazing changes here for all Coastal Race Productions events. So while many know us as the Big Ass Medal race series...
Run Oak Island Routes

Run Oak Island Routes

Covering the routes a little more thoroughly for our runners.  Click here for a large map. Important notes that apply to all races: – Most of the courses are open (meaning shared with cars).  While we have over 100 volunteers and officers assisting you and...
Run Oak Island Pre Race Instructions

Run Oak Island Pre Race Instructions

Run Oak Island is less than a week away, are you excited? We’re including all the information for you to have an AMAZING race weekend with us so please be sure to read through this email carefully and be an informed athlete plus share it with your friends as it...
A Race Director’s Resolve

A Race Director’s Resolve

It seems fitting for me to sit down and write about Race Directing since over the next 2 weeks we will be amping up both physically and mentally as we prepare for a sell out crowd September 9th at Run Holden Beach.  While we may refer to this period as  “crunch time”,...